The Tourist’s Guide To Car Rental Booking In Puerto Rico

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Car Rental in Puerto Rico

Renting a car is a high-priority item for anyone planning to travel to Puerto Rico as a tourist. Touring by car is by far the best way for you to see the sights of this popular tourist attraction. Otherwise, you risk missing the prime spots that seem to be accessible only by automobile.

Not surprisingly, car rental is big business in Puerto Rico. Local car rental companies such as Dorado Car Rental in Dorado and Pier Car Rental in San Juan operate side by side with multinational counterparts Avis and Hertz, both located in San Juan. Reservations for these firms’ rental cars fill out quickly at the height of the tourist season, so it only makes sense to canvass and book ahead of time.

Shopping Car Rentals

Their prices are generally competitive, with only a few dollars’ difference between car rental providers in some vehicle categories. You can choose to vacation during the quieter, off-peak months, when rental charges are cheaper and when last-minute or on-the-spot reservations are possible. There are a few things to keep in mind when driving around Puerto Rico, whose main roads consist of expressways, highways and freeways. Be aware that the road signs are in Spanish, but you should be able to figure out most of them since the symbols and shapes used are identical or similar to those found in the U.S.

In addition, there are toll roads, numbering three in all. They are marked by brown signs and are actually meant for tourists. The rental car company whose services you are hiring can advise you if the route you plan to take will include a toll road. Their automobiles generally don’t have a toll pass, so have some cash ready. Be prepared to shell out from 70 cents to $1.50 in toll fees.

Driving in your rented car can become costly if you are accosted for over-speeding. You are fined a minimum of $50, more if the car rental company you have contracted happens to be one that charges their own fees for traffic violations, on top of the fine. You can easily spot police cars by the lighted blue bars sitting on their tops. Renting a car to drive during your vacation in Puerto Rico is the way to go. Equipping yourself with the right information will allow you to find your way around and enjoy your stay there at the same time. Have a happy trip, and remember to drive carefully!

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